Everyday in the present is a miracle

"Every day in the present -is a miracle"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The hotter the battle, the sweeter the victory!


So a couple days ago I decided that I needed to return to a very familiar route- a morning prayer line. In the past, this experience had brought such tremendous blessings and spiritual growth. Jean and I decided we will give it a try for around 6:15 am on a daily basis. It is such a blessing to have others intercede for you and you for them. This morning in particular I had some concerns about work, my coworkers and how to proceed. Jean reminded me that the battle is not mine to fight. What I relieve.

I went to work covered with prayer, and you know what, I have seen the Hands of God intervene. Thank God.

I had another battle I was fighting with my staffing company regarding my car. I had signed over the contract to them with the condition that they would get me a car with studs as I had before. Lo and behold this was not fulfilled. Sure enough the 2 wheel drive that I had, could not stand up to the slick roads. I have had 3 near misses. I did not take this lightly and so after pulling all the stops and some, turning over the case to the Lord, I walked away tonight with a Toyota Highlander. I am somewhat apprehensive with all the major recalls that are going on with Toyota but you know what, that battle is not mines but the Lords. I am going to leave me and the vehicle in His care.

Cobalt - 2 wheel drive and cannot handle the sleek roads!

Toyota Highlander 4 wheel drive

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