Everyday in the present is a miracle

"Every day in the present -is a miracle"

Friday, May 21, 2010


Since coming to beautiful Alaska, whatever the season, someone is always out on the "trails".  Happy Trails, Trail Mix, Trail Blazer, trailing along, are but some of the expressions or things one conjure when thinking of the word trails.

Over the past 2 weeks I have walked at least 4 trails, hiking different terrains and elevations. As I thought of putting some of the pictures together in a blog format, I really began to think of the literal and symbolic meaning of "Trails". According to Wikipedia, a trail, or track, is a simple thoroughfare for traveling.

There are different kinds of trails as the pictures will illustrate. There  are  walking trails, bicycle trails, skiing trails,trails for ATV's, tails for snowmachines,  but to name a few. Some trails are flat and easy to hike, while some are winding,  steep, difficult, and even treacherous at times. Some are mountainous, coastal, or in the valley. Whenever one reaches the end of a trail, whether one mile, three miles, six miles, or a determined distant, there is always a since of accomplishment, an exuberant feeling. Often the difficulties and the obstacles encountered on the journey are often forgotten in the joys of reaching the destination.

Life can be compare to a trail. We are given this wonderful gift and at times through our own choices or mere circumstances, we find ourselves on a certain trajectory. In some cases, the trail is smooth and is an easy terrain with little or no obstacles. Humanly speaking, these are the trails we often would like to be on, and stay on. Our Grand Designer, and leader of the Trail,  God, is too wise to be mistaken. And so more often than not, when the trail take us down winding pathways, or steep mountains, when we feel all worn, tottered, forsaken, and bruised, we have the assurance that if we acknowledge Him and surrender our will to Him, then He will direct our paths or trails. When we reach our final destination with Him, then we will count it all joy despite the difficulties that we had endured on our way.

Parts of the Tony Knowles Coastal Trails- Anchorage

Sunset with Sleeping Lady mountain ranges in the background

 Sandy portion of the trail near the coast line

Airport is located near this beautiful 12 miles trail

Walking on these trails helps to free ones mind with the reminder that learning to love oneself is the greatest love of all. Love like the stones on the sea, is strong. Love conquers all.

Thunder Bird Falls- Eklunta, Alaska


Flattop Mountain- Hillside Omalley, Anchorage

West Butte, Palmer Alaska

Featuring Matanuska River, Talkeetna Mountains, Kinik River Valley, Knick Glacier, Poineer Peak & Lazy Mountains.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Solace- Spring follows Winter

Imagery of  Cook Inlet Anchorage, Alaska. 5/4/10/ , 2200

In the desire to find a spot to clear my head and thoughts after a restless,  pensive,  erratic, and somewhat repining last couple of weeks, I took solace in  the Cook Inlet area of West Anchorage.
Today was a beautiful spring day, and the first of two consistently beautiful spring days since I am here. Temperatures got in the 60's and what this means for Alaskans is, flip flops and shorts. The evenings are long with the sun currently setting at  ~10:30 (2230). For me, April has been the dullest and coldest month and so I am sporting a down jacket that I did not wear in the winter. 

In our Sabbath school lesson this week, we are looking at the mind body connection, more specifically the strong correlation that exists between the two entity. Introspectively,  one wonders if the coldest one is feeling on the outside is directly related to the mental winter that seems to be waging in my mind. Today though, as I sat there overlooking the imagery's, I was reminded that no matter how harsh and difficult the winter, spring is sure to follow. No matter how overwhelming, disheartening,  frightening, uncertain, or  impossible, the current state of affairs are, they will not remain the same. Change is bound to follow.

 I saw images of tranquility, sunset on the water, sturdy mountains as fortresses, young lovers holding hands and kissing, old lovers strolling by, budding trees, romping children, and photographers, all embracing what this beautiful spring day has to offer.