Everyday in the present is a miracle

"Every day in the present -is a miracle"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Solace- Spring follows Winter

Imagery of  Cook Inlet Anchorage, Alaska. 5/4/10/ , 2200

In the desire to find a spot to clear my head and thoughts after a restless,  pensive,  erratic, and somewhat repining last couple of weeks, I took solace in  the Cook Inlet area of West Anchorage.
Today was a beautiful spring day, and the first of two consistently beautiful spring days since I am here. Temperatures got in the 60's and what this means for Alaskans is, flip flops and shorts. The evenings are long with the sun currently setting at  ~10:30 (2230). For me, April has been the dullest and coldest month and so I am sporting a down jacket that I did not wear in the winter. 

In our Sabbath school lesson this week, we are looking at the mind body connection, more specifically the strong correlation that exists between the two entity. Introspectively,  one wonders if the coldest one is feeling on the outside is directly related to the mental winter that seems to be waging in my mind. Today though, as I sat there overlooking the imagery's, I was reminded that no matter how harsh and difficult the winter, spring is sure to follow. No matter how overwhelming, disheartening,  frightening, uncertain, or  impossible, the current state of affairs are, they will not remain the same. Change is bound to follow.

 I saw images of tranquility, sunset on the water, sturdy mountains as fortresses, young lovers holding hands and kissing, old lovers strolling by, budding trees, romping children, and photographers, all embracing what this beautiful spring day has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Sunset pics...Love it, I enjoy sunsets and this one is truely lovely. I can almost feel the peace and tranquility.
