Everyday in the present is a miracle

"Every day in the present -is a miracle"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Michelle's Media spot light

Spotlight from Advance for Occupational Therapy- 2004

New Jersey Occupational Therapist Receives Prestigious Health Care Award

Michelle Hibbert, OTR, occupational therapist in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) at the University Hospital of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, has received the Francis Black Humanitarian Award in Health Care, an award given to unassuming individuals who practice extraordinary health care.

Aside from consistent delivery of excellent patient care, Hibbert is well known for going above and beyond expectations. "What is truly remarkable about her are the things she does selflessly that fall outside her job requirements. sacrificing her lunch hour to read to patients, playing card games with them-once she stayed after work to watch a rented movie with a patient and his mother," recounts Marcia Downer, senior physical therapist in PM&R.

Her good will also tends to carry over into the community. Her latest contributions to the community included concerted efforts in East Orange and Newark to feed the homeless. Hibbert earned her degree in occupational therapy from Kean University in Union, NJ. She is currently working towards a Masters Degree in Public Health.

The Francis Black Award honors individuals from the 45 affiliate hospitals and healthcare facilities of Friends' Health Connection, of which UMDNJ-UH is an affiliate, who do extraordinary things to help others. Frances Black, mother of FHC Founder and Executive Director Roxanne Black, dedicated her life to improving the health of others. Over the course of her career as a registered nurse and art therapist, she delivered compassionate care to individuals with physical disabilities, behavioral health problems and thousands of other patients with a diverse range of health issues and life challenges.

UMDNJ-UH, one of the country's cutting-edge university medical centers and the flagship hospit
al of UMDNJ, features world class expertise in a variety of medical disciplines. For more information, go to www.theuniversityhospital.com.