Everyday in the present is a miracle

"Every day in the present -is a miracle"

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Another Testimony- God, Me & the Zipper

Those who know me, knows that as far back as I had any understanding, all I had ever wanted was to be a wife and a mother of six bambinos. I saw myself as a stay at home mom and housewife. You can only imagine how much I fussed with God  has the years came and are going by without my desire coming to fruition.

This morning as I was getting dressed for church, I got in my size 8 dress that fits but somehow the zipper got stuck around the waist line. As I tried to zip up without any success I began fussing and God and telling Him that it was not my desire to be alone but that He had chosen this pathway for me.  I tugged and tugged for another 5 minutes and then I resolved that I will drive to church with my back exposed where I would ask someone to finish zipping me up. Out of the blue I said aloud and with less defiance, " God you say you can take care of all my needs. Please help me pull up this zip". I kid you not, I reached back and tugged at the zipper and without any effort it went up.

I turned in the mirror, laughed and said," God you are silly, and ridiculous, and awesome, thank you".

Although I still fuss, I am learning to accept that where I am is where He wants me to be and that He will supply All of my needs. Thank you God for being my all in all. I love you but you love me more. Its gonna be alright!


  1. Four years almost to the date and wearing this same dress, I was proposed to by a man of God's choosing..I continue to say God you are ridiculous and I'm so grateful you are. Thanks so much

  2. Four years almost to the date and wearing this same dress, I was proposed to by a man of God's choosing..I continue to say God you are ridiculous and I'm so grateful you are. Thanks so much
